Monday 24 February 2014

Breaking News! Ugandan president succumbs to pressure, signs anti-gay bill into law

Unknown | Monday, February 24, 2014 |
After months of refusing to sign the anti-gay bill which Uganda's lawmakers passed in December 2013, (Read that here) President Yoweri Museveni, today succumbed to pressure from within his country and signed the anti-gay bill into law.

He signed the bill at his official residence at Entebbe, near the capital Kampala, in front of govt officials, journalists and a team of Ugandan scientists who found no genetic basis for homosexuality, one of the reasons why he finally consented to signing the bill.

The anti-gay law criminalizes all acts of homosexually in Uganda and calls for first-time homosexual offenders to face a 14 years jail penalty. Continuous Sexual engagement by two homosexuals which involves a minor, disabled person or anyone with HIV AIDS attracts a life sentence.


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