Thursday, 10 April 2014


Unknown | Thursday, April 10, 2014 |

I am one person who does not like reinventing the wheels; I have heard how you can stay in Lagos for many years without finding one’s footing.  So I made up my mind to seek the counsel of a Life’s coach. The very popular life coaches in town were not easy to come by; everybody I asked told me to raise the money to attend the training the life coaches offered. Here I am, a young graduate, barely employed (if you understand what I mean) being asked to fork out the money I didn’t have for training. It was necessary, it made sense but I didn’t have the money.

So I decided to perish the idea of seeing a life coach; the caliber I wanted at that time. I started attending every free seminar that was tagged ‘Personal Development’. The changes I wanted so desperately started surfacing, it wasn’t automatic but I could feel it. I left every seminar with a conviction that change was on the way.
One day, I attended one of such seminars organized by one of the big churches in town. The guest speaker (a life coach) spoke as if someone had sent my life’s file to him. Every word he spoke took away something from me and replaced it with something more tangible.
After the seminar, I insisted on seeing the speaker. The ushers would not allow me to see him. However, an usher asked me to wait behind; he returned with the man’s email address.
I wrote about five emails before the guest speaker eventually answered me. “See me this Saturday by exactly 11: 00 am” was his short response.
On the scheduled day, I arrived at the man’s office looking very expectant. Somebody I later identified as the PA ushered me into his office.
Enjoy the rest of the chat
Coach: How are you today?
Me: I am fine sir
Coach: Good; you are…
Me: Nelson, sir
Coach: yes, Nelson.  Why did you want to see me?
Me: I feel I have a lot of potentials locked inside of me. I want to unleash them. All of them!
Coach: Wow! That’s a good thing you seek to achieve. However, I don’t have all the time to take you through the whole process. But there’s an exercise we have to do now so that I can have an idea of who you are.
Me: Okay sir.
Coach: You have to provide answers to the questions I’m going to ask you to the best of your ability.
Me: Okay sir
Coach: How long have you been in Lagos?
Me: 2 years, sir.
Coach: What do you do?
Me: I work as a supervisor in a biscuit factory
Coach: How much do you earn?
Me: 40,000 per month, sir.
Coach: What course did you study in the university?
Me: Microbiology
Coach: Are you still in touch with the course?
Me: yes sir; but not that deeply any more
Coach: Okay, I understand. You are looking for money now. Do you have a written life goal?
Me: No sir!
Coach: Take this paper, write goal in bold letters. What book are you reading now?
Me: None sir.
Coach: When was the last time you read any book?
Me: 6 to 8 months ago
Coach: Write down read books. Have you written books?
Me: Yes sir
Coach: Also write down finances
Me: Okay sir.
Coach: Also write down goals. What skills do you have other than what you do at work?
Me: Ermm… I used to sketch but I haven’t sketched for a very long time now
Coach: Okay, write used to sketch.
Me: Okay sir
Coach: Do you sincerely want to pursue Microbiology?
Me: No sir
Coach: Why did you say no?
Me: It wasn’t the course I originally wanted to study. I settled for it when I didn’t make the cut off mark for medicine
Coach: Apart from medicine, what other course would you have loved to pursue?
Me: Any Agric related course. I love Agriculture.
Coach: Interesting. If you have the opportunity to train in Agriculture, would you embrace it?
Me: Very well sir.
Coach: Who do you admire in the field of Agriculture?
Me: nobody for now. But I noticed I’m always excited whenever I read about it or watch it on TV
Coach: Okay. I have established some points. First of all, we will make you to love your current job until you are ready to quit it. Secondly, you have to make a list of top people in Agriculture in Nigeria and overseas. Know their names, the kind of Agriculture they practice and how they run their Agric businesses. Thirdly, you need a new set of friends. Make at least five friends; you have to make sure these five people are already ahead of you in life. The fourth task; you will summarize at least four chapters of a book every week. The first two chapters will be a summary of any fictional novel while the other two will be from any faith based book. Submit them to my PA; the guy who ushered you into the office today. He will give you an activity booklet on your way out. Do not miss any activity in that book. My PA is the one you will interact with henceforth.  I will see you again in the next six weeks.
I did everything as I was instructed. Reading books opened my mind. I was surprised how my life took a massive turn. I was not able to make the number of friends I was mandated to make initially; however, the two friends I was able to make at that time changed my life. The first person I approached for friendship was the coach’s PA. He would send books to me to read and summarize. He always invited me to attend their programs whenever it took place in Lagos. I later became a member of his team; I handled the Resources department of his ministry. In the Resources department, I was in charge of the books, the CDs and every other media materials. It was such a rewarding and life enriching experience.  At a point, the coach moved me to his Research Department where we assisted in preparing training materials for him.  When I saw the way things were going, I told myself that Agriculture would have to wait.
I was still with the team when I decided to undergo some training in graphic arts and branding .It was always a big issue then; the man that handled his graphic assignments would always mess things up would; he would come up with one excuse or the other while he couldn’t deliver his jobs on time. I saw the gap and delved into it. I trained for six months and then started doing little jobs for people here and there. After some time, I attracted other people including my coach.
Clients started coming in different sizes. Of course, my first major client was the coach. I handled all his graphic design needs; from him, I started designing for his friends and business partners.  I enjoyed tremendous support from him. One of the biggest moments of my life was when I handled all the graphic designs for his anniversary celebrations. From mugs to T-shirts to gift packs; I designed everything. That job attracted more jobs from his associates. I became the official graphic artist for him and his friends and associates.
I have watched my life metamorphose from a confused young graduate to a man always full of hopes and new dreams.
Whenever I am asked to speak to young people on what drives me, I tell them these things
1. Always evaluate your life
2. Seek help at the appropriate quarters
3. Never stop believing in yourself
4. Read always
5. Seek ways to improve on your skills
Believe in God

Thanks for reading.


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