Friday, 18 April 2014

Music: Triple Tee (@thetripletee) - Lamgbasa

Unknown | Friday, April 18, 2014 |

The blazing Duo MIKO - Micheal Nwaogbue and YDEE- Chaizor Emmanuel
popular known as TRIPLE T has released another stress banger title
LANGBASA (produce by A1), After d successful outcome of LEGGE
featuring one of Naija's finest musicians Timaya. Triple T decided to
give their fans more hits. LANGBASA is a dance song, that will help u
move ur body no matter the situation.

Triple T is signed to Gold Heart Productions and currently working on
their first album. Follow on twitter @thetripletee nd instagram
mikotriplettt nd ydee_triplet

Video coming soon



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