I hear laughing is no longer easily affordable on the streets of Lagos. Infact, it has become like picking 24 Karat Gold on streets- I haven’t picked one before, have you? Kilode, what is the issue? Why is everyone frowning these days? How has stolen our merry hearts, what has happened to our old cheerful selves? Why are people quick to curse, abuse and hurt others these days?
Every morning, as I go about my usual business, I shudder at how people react to things they could have easily ignored. Why are we this sad these days? Where is the bitterness coming from? Lagos people maka why are you angry? Why are we finding it difficult to show our 32 these days?
On a personal note, I have a suggestion that I think will help bring back laughter on our faces. Most of us carry diaries that have our daily to-do list wherever we go. Is laughter one of the items on the list?
Yes! Laughter is a very important item that must be added on our daily to-do list. The secret is that the more you look at the list, the more you are reminded of the need to laugh.
Let me even ask, have you laughed today? If you haven’t laughed today, stop reading right now and laugh. I’m waiting for you. Are you done? Oh, still laughing? That’s what I am talking about, go ahead and laugh some more. How does it feel? You feel great, right? Now, have you seen what you’ve been missing all this while?
Remember, it is cheaper to laugh than to frown. So make someone to laugh today in Lagos. Show your 32 today.