Wednesday 9 July 2014

Who Are These Bloggers? - Mike Ikenwa

Unknown | Wednesday, July 09, 2014 |

These days, we don't have to wait for an edited information before we know what is going on in our dear society, we get to be notified as soon as it happens, Now we say THANKS TO BLOGGERS because they made it possible.

Few days ago, I was going to aja, along Lekki-Epe road in Lagos, something happened and people gathered there to find out, I also ran to the scene to get the information too but on reaching there with few others who I later learnt that they were blogger, were humiliated and pushed away by 'Men In Uniform' allowing only men from NTA and other Popular Newspaper and TV companies to take information because they don't regard or recognize us 'Press' 
We are regarded as 'Jobless Citizens' because they think that we don't have something to do that's why we are 'BLOGGING', they don't think we have something good to do and yet they contact us during Elections to campaign for them online because they believe that millions of people depend on us 'The Jobless Bloggers' for information. Read More after the cut...

Importance of Bloggers

Bloggers are greatly reliable when you talk of information, they get the right news from their right sources, most at times, they witness it happen and they instantly update it with their 'Handy' devices which makes it easy for them to instantly give the information to the world. 

They know what to say:- 

'Bloggers' are always good when you talk of choosing the 'Right Words' for a particular event, they know all the right words for almost everything that happens in our society which makes them highly 'Relevant

They Know when to say:-

Gone are the days when we must wait for they next day's papers to know what our President said on the present day, Now, you can follow up his speeches live like you are at the event, they (Jobless Bloggers) make it possible for you to get it when you supposed to, they know the type of information you require at every moment, they dictate your mood and feed you with the right message, send it over to you, and with us (Jobless Bloggers) you can never be taken unaware, neither will you be bored. 

They know how to say it:-

The last people you'd like to mess with are the Jobless Bloggers, with up to 85% of our society depending on them nowadays for information, They know how to fix every alphabet to make sure that even a kid understands what they are trying to say, they know how to direct the words to meet their target, they know how to mix their English to draw traffic to themselves and they are still reliable cos they know how to present they story to the masses.

They know why they should say it:-

Thousands of people in our society today are suffering due to lack of adequate information, thanks to the so called 'Jobless Bloggers' Today, you even get the information before it happens, so many people today are surviving because they are informed in time, in every area of business you find yourself, you have a blog to recon with when you are looking for information pertaining your area of business, unlike before that we have to wait for 24 hours to see newspapers and sometimes weekly/monthly magazines before we get to know what has happened, but today, its a different story all together, we bring you the update accurately as it is happening which makes us not 'Jobless Bloggers', but 'Highly Important Citizens'.

They are the Press:-

In our society today, you will believe me that an average citizen gets their story and other things they require online, those online contents didn't go their by themselves, it's somebody that uploaded them there and still nobody recognizes us as part of the 'Press', we are addressed as non press members because we don't have a place in the government, when they call for Press conference, nobody invites the 'Jobless Bloggers' because they are seen as 'Irrelevant'. We the so called 'Jobless Bloggers' even pass the information before the so called 'National Dailys and National TVs carry them and most at times they even visit our various blog sites to copy and paste news that we have already updated and at the end of the day we are still regarded as 'Jobless Bloggers'.

They are the mouth piece of the masses:- 
BEFORE, helpless people and people with good opinions look for any means to air their views on the best way to move the society forward but end up throwing their money into the broken purse of newspaper agents who only publish posts and news from the rich and famous citizens. Thanks to the 'Jobless Bloggers' who made it possible for everybody to be heard.

Support The Bloggers:-
Lets come together and defend ourselves, we are part of the press and not the 'Jobless Bloggers' as most people regard us, we are more of the press than most people think, we give out the information with little benefits and hope of nothing in return, support the Bloggers, they have our fate, 

by Mike Ikenwa


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