The event had a massive turn out of families and individuals of all ages who came out and ate for Africa! This edition of the COOKOUT gave an opportunity to selected upcoming food vendors to promote their businesses, and have one-on-one interviews covered by MyTV Africa and other media houses.
Present were also some of Abuja’s top radio hosts - DC DJ Smooth, Play Entertainment Network, Go Abuja Magazine and photographers in every corner. The Carnivale Team made efforts to make COOKOUT as enjoyable as every edition should be.
The next COOKOUT will be bigger & feature something extra special. Stay tuned and look out for more from Carnivale. See some photos from the last event after the cut...
For enquiries: +2348104089227, +2348102990729 | Send an e-mail to carnivalenigeria@gmail.com | Follow them on Instagram: @carnivalenigeria | Follow them on Twitter: @Carnivale_
Photo Credit: Lemmy Vedutti Photography | Simi Vijay Photography | Go Abuja Magazine