Thursday 14 August 2014

"I don't owe you any explaination' - says Minister who approved Sawyer's trip to Nigeria

Unknown | Thursday, August 14, 2014 |
The Liberian Minister who approved late Patrick Sawyer's trip to Nigeria has angrily reacted after he was criticized for letting Sawyer, a staff of the Liberian government, leave Liberia for Nigeria despite Liberian health officials placing him on Ebola danger list.

Deputy Finance Minister Sebastian Muah Omar told a Facebook user who asked him why he made such a decision that he does not owe him any explanation. He also said he wasn't late Sawyer's doctor to stop him from traveling.

One of the minister's followers queried him, saying,

“As his superior, if a man tells you his sister died from Ebola and he could have beenexposed do you not think it is your duty to ask the hard questions or maybe you could have reported this to the health officials?...See the minister's reply after the cut...

The Minister said...

"A friend is dead, I do not owe you any explanation. POS (Patrick Sawyer) was a public health practitioner if you must know. The Ugandan doctor was a medical doctor if you againmust know. They are no longer. So the freaking issue is not why he lied or didn’t lie to travel. But how we address the freaking disease. If you don’t have jack to say in that direction then frankly shut up on the subject. Sebastian Muah doesn’t have time today frankly for your rants." The minister said...continue...

The Facebook follower said;

"Stop making silly excuses as to not being his doctor. This does not excuse you from asking the questions as a government official that would safeguard the lives of our citizens and your international partners. It is your duty, again as a Government official not wanting to go above and beyond his duty to safe guard our population.
Oh hell yes you do owe Liberians and the international community an explanation
You have through your negligence of not asking the proper questions exposed others to such a horrible Virus and you on here talking bull.The minister replied

"The old people say empty drum can’t make noise. So you will be talking by yourself as I see you don’t know what you are talking about and as a matter of finding solution you do not have any but trying to find blame. Someone must have frustrated the hell out of you in Liberia O…. Take me to the international court since I am guilty of approving a travel."

Dear BG Readers, what is your take on this issue?

Photo: Gist Us


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