Sunday, 23 August 2015

Hundreds of refugees scrambled over barbed wire into Macedonia

Unknown | Sunday, August 23, 2015 |
Hundreds of refugees scrambled over barbed wire into Macedonia
Dozens of Greek refugees have reportedly forced their way over the Macedonian border as police fired stun grenades in a failed bid to stop them breaking through.

Reports said that the border guards on Saturday, fired stun grenades and clashed with refugees trying to rush over the border between Greece and Macedonia for the second day in a row.

The AFP news agency said the refugees scrambled over barbed wire fences as border guards tried to stop them.

Thousands of rain-soaked refugees have been trapped in a no man's land since Thursday.

On Friday overnight, police let small groups of families with children cross the border by walking to a railway station in the Macedonian town of Gevgelija, where most take trains to the border with Serbia, before heading towards EU-member Hungary.

Those who could not cross, including many women and children, spent the rainy and chilly night in the open, the AP news agency reported.
 The refugees scrambled over barbed wire fences as border guards tried to stop them.
 The refugees scrambled over barbed wire fences as border guards tried to stop them.

Hull said large numbers of Syrians had earlier moved back from the point of crossing to separate themselves from other nationalities.

"They want to separate themselves from the other nationalities; the Pakistanis, the Afghans, the Iraqis...what they say is that all these other nationalities claim to be Syrians as well, because it is the Syrians who have the most valid claim to asylum.

"They are refugees, they are fleeing civil war. Many of the others, they say, are economic migrants."

Source: Bloom Gist


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