Saturday 21 November 2015

Belgian Daesh suspect arrested in Turkey

Unknown | Saturday, November 21, 2015 |
Belgian Daesh suspect arrested in Turkey
Turkish police has arrested three suspected Daesh members in the southern province of Antalya on Friday, police said.

Anti-terror officers arrested a Belgian of Moroccan descent along with two Syrians on suspicion of aiding and abetting Daesh, according to a police source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The Belgian, identified as 26-year-old Ahmet D. was seized at a hotel while suspects Ahmet T., 29, and Muhammed V., 23, were arrested in a car on the D-400 highway that crosses southern Turkey.

The three are due to appear before a court in Manavgat, a resort town to the east of Antalya city.

The arrests came in the wake of last week's Paris attacks that saw many Belgium-based militants kill 130 people in the center of the city.


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