Monday, 30 November 2015

Erykah Badu to Iggy Azalea - You are no rapper

Unknown | Monday, November 30, 2015 |
Erykah Badu to Iggy Azalea - You are no rapper
Singer Iggy Azalea thought it was safe to leave home ... but then, Erykah Badu says it's not over yet, hit her with a load of shade while hosting the Soul Train Awards.

Erykah opened the show by taking a slight shot at herself -- pointing out that hip-hop fans give her crap for making rappers "change gods and wear crochet hats" ... but it was all a setup for this shot at Iggy.

RELATED: Result of near break up; Tgya is moving out

And just when we at Bloom Gist here tought that the star singer is flowing with thousands of loyal fans, look at what we got, booooom!!! ... the crowd loved it and cos of the its gonna be a while before Iggy sees the sun again. because the shade is too much to clear in a while.


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