Monday 3 February 2014

Unknown | Monday, February 03, 2014 |

A doctor has recorded the moment he  delivered a baby inside an intact amniotic sac.
The photo was taken by Obstetrician ,  Aris Tsigris after he delivered a baby through caesarean section. He uploaded the photo on Facebook. Read More after the Cut...

According to the doctor, because the sac had had not been punctured, the baby did not even realise it had been born and behaved as if it was still inside the mother’s womb.

Daily Mail reports:
The amniotic sac is a bag of fluid inside the womb where the unborn baby develops and grows. It is also referred to as the ‘membranes’, because the sac is made of two membranes called the amnion and the chorion.
The sac is filled with clear, pale fluid, in which the unborn baby floats and moves.
The fluid helps to cushion the baby from bumps and injury, as well as providing them with fluids that they can breathe and swallow. The fluid also maintains a constant temperature for the baby.
The amniotic sac starts to form and fill with fluid within days of a woman conceiving. 
Amniotic fluid is mainly water but from about week 10 onwards, the baby passes small amounts of urine into the fluid.


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