Thursday 6 March 2014

Sham bride arrested trying to marry her fourth Nigerian husband

Unknown | Thursday, March 06, 2014 |
One of UK's most prolific sham brides, Raquel Neto Furtado De Andrade, 22, has been arrested and sentenced to two years in prison after trying to marry her fourth husband...a Nigerian.

According to the UK Daily Mail, Raquel, who had already married three Nigerians to help give them the right to stay in the UK was caught just minutes before she could marry her fourth husband.

Suspicious staff at the registry noticed she'd been there previously to wed other men and used the same wedding dress at each ceremony. And after she was arrested, records showed she hadn't even bothered to formally divorce previous husbands before marrying a new one...for money.

The fourth groom, a 32-year-old Nigerian (pictured above), was arrested with her and has been deported. UK Immigration is now looking for her three other husbands so they can be deported too.

As for Rachel, she is now behind bars serving a two-year sentence and will be deported to her native Portugal on her release from prison.


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