Wednesday 30 April 2014

'Kill public officials who steal above N1million' – TUC president

Unknown | Wednesday, April 30, 2014 |
President of the TUC, Bobboi Kaigama during a lecture at the Faculty of Environmental Design and Management, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife yesterday, recommended the death penalty for any public official who is indicted in any financial crime above N1million.
During his lecture which was titled "‘Corruption and challenges in nation-building’, Kaigama said tougher sanctions such as his suggestion would make the government's crusade against corruption more sincere
"If the governments and legislators are truly sincere about the fight against corruption in the country, they must go tougher. Any public official, whether at the state or federal level, should be executed. Killing them after confirmation of any embezzlement allegation of more than N1m will lead us to the right path.
“I sincerely recommend an active process of legislation that would support that. It would also serve the nation well to have a law which not only provides for every public office holder to declare his assets on assuming office, but also stipulate that he must repeat the exercise each subsequent year that he is in office and not later than one month after vacating the office. Such declaration should be in at least three newspapers and not just to the Code of Conduct Bureau.” he said
He advocated for public officer's to be compelled to declare their assets when they assume office as well as get banned from occupying any political office if found guilty of any corruptible act. Who agrees with him?


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