Saturday 5 July 2014

More Update on the bus driver who was shot twice at Oba Akran yesterday

Unknown | Saturday, July 05, 2014 |
Yesterday i posted a news about a bus driver who was shot twice at close range (find it here) Now, I have a full update on the incident.

According to an eye-witness, trouble started when a bus driver, who was trying to avoid the traffic along Oba Akran road, climbed the pavement of a bank building so he could get in front of other vehicles.

A security operative went to the driver, told him to get off the pavement and return to the road. The two men started exchanging words. One thing led to another and the bus driver got down and started struggling with the gun the security man was holding. The security man shot him twice on the leg.

The area boys along that road who saw what happened got angry and descended on the bank and destroyed a lot of cars belonging to customers of the bank. (You will find the photos after the cut). The bus driver was taken to the hospital and the police eventually came to calm things down...


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