Tuesday 19 August 2014

Lady Gaga wants wedding ceremony in space

Unknown | Tuesday, August 19, 2014 |
Its already a well known fact that the Mother Monster is one of the weirdest celebrity in the 21st century. 
According to unconfirmed reports, Lady Gaga and her beau Taylor Kinney are planning to have an unofficial wedding ceremony up in the space in 2015. 
It was earlier reported that the “telephone” singer has been invited on board Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic space flight in early 2015 to become the first star to perform in space.
The couple wants to mark the moment with a romantic gesture. Sources told Daily Star.
“Gaga and Taylor want to make a pledge for life, and think the space flight is too big an opportunity to pass up,” 
They added. “It would be typical of her to have the least conventional ‘wedding’ ever. “Of course it would be a simulated-style marriage as there wouldn’t be a priest or religious figure there,” they explained. “But they don’t care about convention, it’s more about making each other a life-long


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