Monday 15 September 2014

A 50-Year Old Man Rapes Pregnant Woman And Forces Her To Breastfeed Him

Unknown | Monday, September 15, 2014 |
A 50-year-old  UK man, Kevin Gibbons  has been jailed after raping a pregnant woman and forced her to breastfeed him.

According to testimony presented before a Liverpool Crown Court, Gibbons raped both women and imprisoned them despite claiming that he "lived by the word of God and practiced his teachings."

His pregnant victim reportedly suffered a breakdown after the ordeal which included being forced to breastfeed her attacker.

Detective Constable Maerevoet, who was involved in the case, said:

"The facts of this appalling case speak for themselves."Gibbons is one of the most vile, controlling, abusive and cowardly men I have ever encountered during all my years in policing and I have no hesitation in saying that he deserves every second of his lengthy prison sentence.”


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