Monday 8 September 2014

Al-Shabab Confirms Abu Ubaidah as New Leader following the death of Ahmed Abdi Godan

Unknown | Monday, September 08, 2014 |
Following  the death of Al-Shabab leader, Ahmed Abdi Godan who was killed during a United States’ air strikes on Somalia, the terrorist group has gone ahead to select a new leader to lead them.

Al-Shabab on staurday pronounced ahmad Umar who is also called Abu Ubaidah, one of their commnaders as the new leader.

In a statement released via their website, Al-Shabab announced the election of their new leader, and also warned of the “consequences”of Godane’s death:

“Avenging the death of our scholars and leaders is a binding obligation on our shoulders that we will never relinquish nor forget no matter how long it takes.

By the permission of Allah, you will surely taste the bitter consequences of your actions.” the group vowed.


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