Wednesday 17 September 2014

Bloom Knock! The Unforgettable Sermon Part 1

Unknown | Wednesday, September 17, 2014 |
Before reading this interesting and educating story, we know that so many many today feels like nothing is wrong with me and my lover living together, we thinks it's really right, ok, both parents are aware so nothing is wrong of bad with it but there's another part of the story that will definitely prove you wrong and that is what we are here to share with you, Read and learn.

I am a young man of 28 years, employed to one of the biggest companies in Lagos, live in one of the most decent area in Lagos, I've been dating this girl for the past 3 years, she's 26 and hugely employed with fat salary also, 1 year after we started dating, she moved in with me, her parents are aware of our relationship and so are my parents also and we don't consider anything to be wrong with both of us living together, nobody cheats each other, nothing to hide from anybody and we are certainly sure that we gonna spend the rest of our lives together and happy with anything coming in between us but not until something happened last Sunday. Continue...

For sometimes now we have not attended church, its been long to the extent that I can't even remember the name of our brach pastor, weather they've changed him or not, or even if the pastor is a man or woman I don't really know because I've not attended church for long, even my girlfriend haven't either, we consider Sunday as a day we have for our personal lives and business and a day we spend enough time with each other, have fun, at least watch movie together, cuddle each for the rest of the day till Monday that morning that we will begins our 8 to 6 office work again.

Last Sunday, we decided to go close to God again, we decided to start attending Church services and programmes, my girlfriend was so surprise when I raised it but she's so happy and admitted that she's been thinking about it for a long time which means is OUR agreement not MY agreement but we thought that its the right thing to do to strengthen our relation and build our soon-to-be family since we are planning to wed and get married but things went so bad after we finally attended the church.

We are ready, I've dressed up on my royal blue suit with matching ties, black pair of shoes, Gold wrist watch with gold gold and light black eye glasses to match both the shoes and the wrist watch and I'm ready to go,

Just like every other woman, my girlfriend is still dressing up, you know women, they spend hours just to dress for a 30 minutes event, I've called her and she keeps on saying the ringing tone that women puts on whenever they are dressing late '2 minutes pls' and their 2 minutes never end but thank God her own later ends and out she's comes, with a Royal blue lance rapper with shining coloured beards all around it, blue pair of shoes, gold wrists watch, Gold coloured top with tiny designs, red lips and red finger nails which made me to imagine what I would do if she wasn't my girl, she's the type of woman that any man will die to get, the shape, the curve, her behind, the mini portable milk factory and the sexy lips to add to it, I escorted and opened the front door for her to hop into my newly acquired 2014 range rover extra and I closed it and entered and off to church we go.

On our arrival to the church, almost everybody noticed us but not everybody knew us except some old members who so me when I was attending the church like some years back, we walk majestically into the church like a newly married couple who can't let go of each other's as the ushers directed us to front sit where we sat for service.

The service has began, praises, worships and some series of prayers and finally its time for SERMON.

the man of God said the word that I wasn't expecting, he touched where's holding me, he preached about man and woman living together when they have not wedded officially, we sat and listen, my girl was sitting right next to me, holding my hands and looking straight towards the alter as the service continues, I can feel her hands slowly becoming still, she was so still, she can't even move or look towards my direction,

She's feeling the sermon the way I do, both of us are guilty of the sin and we knew it, the pastor was really hitting at the nail and we are feeling the pain, feeling guilty they way I've never felt in my life before.

After the sermon was over, they called people that are ready to give their life to Christ, I manage to look in her direction and I noticed that she's, I thought that's gone out as a new convert but the truth was that even when they returned, she didn't return with them, after services I searched every where but I couldn't fine her, I tried to call but her has been switched off which made me became more worried,

I quickly rush home to check is ships gone home but on reaching home I found out that she's gone. I know she was feeling guilty the way I do and that's what she left.

Dear readers, I'm confused and don't know what to do, should I call her back now?


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