Monday 15 September 2014

Breaking: Ebola Now In Malaysia as Suspected Career Under Observation

Unknown | Monday, September 15, 2014 |
A 24-year-old Zimbabwean student is currently under observation for Ebola in eastern Malaysian state of Sarawak, on Monday a local official in Health department said.

The student fell ill on Saturday and had been transferred to Sarawak General Hospital isolation ward from a private hospital.

Sarawak Public Health Assistant Minister, Jerip Susil, said that the student had no related signs to Ebola except for symptoms of high fever.

“We will know for sure if this is Ebola, once the test results is out within a week,’’ he added.

According to the report, the student never left the state, but came into contact with other foreign students who recently returned from their home country.

However, the Malaysian Health Ministry confirmed that there were no confirmed Ebola cases in the country yet.


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