Saturday 14 March 2015


Unknown | Saturday, March 14, 2015 |
Men don't always like to 'waka alone', they always desire company. Few weeks ago, my boss in his usual and professional manner, try to exonerate the men folk from all issues concerning women. In the article he titled 'men has no hand in it' he pointedly told women not to blame men for their foes but look a little bit further.

He outline some English words that are exclusively used for women but has the prefix 'men'. I presume the originators of English language are aware that men do love company, they don't like to 'Waka Alone'.

I am not sure if men got the basis for their dominance from the good book or tradition, depending on which comes first, but all I can submit is that women are enjoined to be submissive and besides, the good book said in Genesis 2:22 that God in His wisdom took one of the ribs of Adam, the first man, to create the woman, meanwhile God had already given Adam instructions on the forbidden fruit in verse 17 before the woman was created.

The same instruction that Adam tried to exonerate himself from later in Genesis 3:12 (maybe that would be a discussion for another day). Some people have said that woman is just a man with a womb, so, by extension, all what any woman may have gone through or is going through is rooted in the fact that women came from men.

What is more, no matter how men would love to convince themselves of how terrible woman can be, they know fully well that they cannot afford to be alone, they dare not venture to 'waka alone' some of them may even want to let the woman have the feelings that they are the one that really need them, and so you here something like 'I just wanted to provide a shoulder for you to carry on when need be, or 'I just wanted to help you' the question is, who is helping who?

Why do men find it difficult to help the woman without the nitty-gritty of going the whole hog? I assume they want to put their investment were it will yield some dividend, but talking of dividend in the context of a human existence, the world itself is a small place, that girl you are reluctant to help because she decided not to waka with you now may end up being your life line in future.

Who knows, she maybe in position to assist your own ward after all, you can never be on that stage for ever and what you plant now will determine your harvest tomorrow.

Don't let us be too spiritual, even our everyday farmer cannot plant yam and expect to reap coco yam even though the two crops are from the same family of tuber. So, much as men desire company of women with all the times and that, he should be ready to take responsibilities for the attachments that comes with it. You hear them say 'who will take care of me as if they are babies.

Cme to think of it, they are actually babies in the real sense of it, though they love being masculine and brandish their broad shoulders. In as much as they desire care takers or should we say caregivers, and then whatever the caregiver goes through should be credited to the account of the man.

Some even say that women are the weaker vessels and with my knowledge of elementary English, a comparative gives birth to superlative. So, if there is a weaker, then someone somewhere must be the weak.


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