Tuesday 10 March 2015


ILE KATHERINE | Tuesday, March 10, 2015 |
Life is a market place...what you give is what you get and it's not just all about receiving....its about creating a legacy that will live even long after you are gone. Let us not build our lives and those of our children based on the things we want for ourselves and those we can receive but on the foundation of the things we want to do for other people because in life.

The more you give....The more you get. Ever wondered why giving is difficult for some persons and receiving is so easy????

That's because they live their life solely on what they can get out of life and not on what they can put into life....One sacrifice=Ten Thousand reasons your legacy will remain.

Yes people always count the bad greater than the good but one good over shadows a million bad in life's book of rewards.....Don't forget to always touch a life whenever you get the opportunity to. Bless you all


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