Wednesday 3 June 2015


Unknown | Wednesday, June 03, 2015 | |
This, to me, was an abuse of journalism, it was a total deviation for what you signed up to do as a professional journalist.

The moment you start using your tool, your position to abuse or intimidate others, its a total disaster, The Sahara Reporter even went ahead to challenge the Security guard attached to a president of a country, in Nigeria.

The President arrived to Abuja for the inauguration ceremony of president Mohammadu Buhari when the reporter came up with couple of questions like, "Sir, when is Zimbabwe going to have their next election, oh they have had their election?.

The when he was about to leave the venue of the inauguration, the reporters came up again with some hash and horrible questions, but this time, in an aggressive manner. During the incident, some of the gurds attached to the president tried to push them away when the reporter said "You are pushing me, I'm doing my job, you are pushing me.

The femal reporter comes in "Mr president, don't you think that it's time you step down sir, so you can rest? When will there be change in Zimbabwe, sir? Is there democracy in Zimbabwe? It's about time to step down. It's enough! Over 30-something years and you came here to witness democracy? Let there be change in Zimbabwe!"

When the President drove off, the Sahara Reporter started challenging the gurd attached to the president, then the rest of the journalists stared making mockery of the president, asking, "When will their be change in Zimbabwe. they continued "Sir, we want to coem to your country for inauguration too, he's too old, let there be elections in Zimbabwe, you cannot be in power for 200 years. the lady from Sahara ended the drama with, is Jacob Zuma here? another Sahara reporter closed it up with "where is that Zuma self? (Jacob Zuma is tghe president of South Africa, he was also in Abuja, the Nigeria Capital for the inauguration of the new president).

Now that is way far too bad, how can a president be so embarrased that way by a journalist of another country who claimed to be doing his job, what job, harrasing and attacking a president of a whole country is doing your job, wait, the president in question was propperly voted in by the Zimbwans, why speaking for them now in another country?.

A Zimbabwean minister has criticized Sahara Reporters for the attack on Mugabe

Prof. Jonathan Moyo, Zimbabwe's Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, is mad at Sahara Reporters for the attack on their president, saying they have big respect and regard for Nigeria but the Sahara reporters went to far.

Nigerians Says it's too bad

Nigerians has also criticized the act by Sahara Reporters, saying that you can do your job as a journalist, not as a political activist in disguise of a journalist

Its only Sahara Reporters that can do that

Some people has said that it only Sahara Reporters that exhibit such act stating that the Sahara Reporters do the job in an professionalized way. Some also said that the Sahara Reporters are so biased in the way they report the stories and present it to people, while some said that they(Sahara Reporters)b don't have professional who can do their job as journalists and so they don't believe in them.


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