Friday 12 June 2015


Unknown | Friday, June 12, 2015 |
The group on Mount Kinabalu
Four tourists who posed naked on a sacred mountain in Malaysia have entered guilty pleas in court.

Briton Eleanor Hawkins, Canadians Lindsey and Danielle Peterson, and a Dutchman admitted causing a public disturbance.

The group, alongside six others, has been blemed for a magnitude 5.9 earthquake after they stripped on Mount Kinabalu.

All four pleaded guilty at Kota Kinabalu Magistrates' Court but deny some of the prosecution's accusations.
Eleanor Hawkins arrives at court
The four accused persons while entering the court premises covered their faces, surrounded by a media scrum.
The prosecution said the four tourists, along with six others climbing the peak to enjoy sunrise on 30 May.

As they descended, they challenged each other to take off their clothes and when their local guide said it was inappropriate they told him to "shut up" and "go to hell", the prosecution said.

When the judge asked the four foreigners if they agreed to these facts some of them shook their head.

The court has adjourned for the accused to consult with their lawyer.
Eleanor Hawkins
Reports said Miss Hawkins, from Derbyshire, had told the court that she understood the charge and then pleaded guilty.
"There's a lot of public anger still against the tourists because many of them believe Mount Kinabalu is a sacred spot where their souls go to rest when they die," Ms Pak said.

"The fact that these foreigners are alleged to have stripped on the peak, urinated and cursed at staff members trying to stop them is something that many locals say is disrespectful."


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