Tuesday 28 July 2015

Turkey said it's not targeting Kurdish forces

Unknown | Tuesday, July 28, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: Turkey has denied the news spreading that its military is targeting Syrian Kurds after Kurdish forces and a monitoring group said tanks shelled Kurdish-held villages in northern Syria.
Turkey has denied the news spreading that its military is targeting Syrian Kurds after Kurdish forces and a monitoring group said tanks shelled Kurdish-held villages in northern Syria.

Turkey said it is investigating the reports of shelling even as it continues to round up suspected activists of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group as part of a double offensive.

If confirmed, Sunday's night incident would be the most serious incident yet of Turkey targeting Kurdish-controlled areas in the Syrian conflict.

Kurdish officials told Al Jazeera on Monday that overnight shelling targeted a checkpoint in a village outside Kobane manned by the Burkan al-Furat (Euphrates Volcano) battalion, a coalition of fighters from the Free Syrian Army and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said four fighters were injured in the shelling.

"A number of shells fired by Turkish tanks fell on the village of Zur Maghar, which is controlled by the Kurdish People's Protection Units [YPG]," the UK-based monitoring group said.


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