Wednesday 5 August 2015

Wife of former South Korea president pays visit to North Korea

Unknown | Wednesday, August 05, 2015 |
Wife of former South Korea president pays visit to North Korea
The widow of the former president of South Korea, Kim Dae-jung, Lee Hee-ho, has arrived in Pyongyang where her trip will include visits to a maternity clinic, an orphanage and a children's hospital.There are hopes among both sides that Wednesday's visit might ease the 70-year long tensions between the two countries and serve as stepping-stone to possible cooperation in the future.

North Korea President Kim Jong-un had extended an invitation to the former First Lady after sending her condolence flowers on the third year of the anniversary of the death of his father.

Kim Sung-jae, a former South Korean culture minister who is part of Lee's delegation to North Korea, said that Lee hopes that her visit will pave the way for more dialogue, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

It is not known, however, whether Lee will pay a visit to any top Korean officials, including the leader Kim Jong-un, before her return to Seoul on Sunday.

The sunshine politician

Kim Dae-jung, Lee's late husband, was known for his "sunshine policy" towards North Korea during his five-year mandate, between 1998 and 2003.


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