Tuesday 1 September 2015

IGP Arese cuts in Governors' official guards

Unknown | Tuesday, September 01, 2015 |
IGP Arese cuts in Governors' official guards
The Inspector General of The Nigeria Police Force (NPF), IG Solomon Arase has reduced the number of officers deployed to each of the state governors from 150 to 62, Bloom Gist learnt.

The IG said this is part of the NPF effort in tackling the challenge of inadequate personnel in policing the country.

Arase said the police force needs to quickly beef up its 305,000 personnel, a number he said was insufficient to police the country, especially in the face of current security challenges.

Also affected by the new policy are private individuals who go about with police escorts as such privilege has been withdrawn.

According to him, the decision is propelled by the fact that the available number of police personnel in the country is grossly insufficient to secure more than 160 million Nigerians. 

He explained that the shortfall necessitated the recently announced plan by the Federal Government to recruit 10,000 policemen.

Source: Bloom Gist, Agencies


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