Wednesday 2 September 2015

Nigerian Air Force apoints new senior officers

Unknown | Wednesday, September 02, 2015 |
Nigerian Air Force apoints new senior officers
Chief of Air Staff, Sadique Abubakar
The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has released the redeployment and appointments of some senior officers, a statement by air force spokesperson, Dele Alonge, said.

Mr. Alonge said the officers deployed to new duty posts are four branch chiefs, three air officers commanding and two commandants.

According to him, the four branch chiefs at the air force headquarters are Air Vice Marshal A.A. Iya, formally the Chairman Air Exposition and International Liaison Secretariat, now appointed Chief of Training and Operations; AVM A.M. Mamu the former Air Officer Commanding, Training Command Kaduna, now takes charge as the Chief of Administration.

Other branch chiefs are AVM I.J. Yahaya, formerly the Director of Works, has been appointed the Chief of Logistics and Communications, while Air Commodore CU Usoh, the former Director of Air Engineering is now the Chief of Aircraft Engineering.

Appointments for the air officers commanding include AVM R.A. Ojuawo, former Director of Operations HQ NAF, now appointed the Air Officer Commanding, Tactical Air Command Makurdi; AVM W.A. Ahmed is now the new Air Officer Commanding, Training Command Kaduna and; AVM M.A. Muhammed moves from his former position as the Managing Director, NAF Investment Limited, to become the Air Officer Commanding, Logistics Command, Lagos.

The two new Commandants are AVM M.C. Iloenyosi who moves from his former position as the Chief of Training and Operations HQ NAF to his present appointment as the Commandant Armed Forces Resettlement Centre Oshodi and; AVM SA Dambo a former Senior Air Staff Officer Training Command takes charge as the Commandant, Armed Force Command and Staff College Jaji.

Mr. Alonge, an Air Commodore, said the postings and appointments are in line with the air chief’s effort to transform the Nigerian Air Force for greater operational efficiencyƱ

Source: Bloom Gist


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