Friday 30 October 2015

45 people killed as government jets targeted Damascus market

Unknown | Friday, October 30, 2015 | |
45 people killed as government jets targeted Damascus market
Not less than 45 people have been killed and another 140 injured after Syrian government air strikes targeted a market in a Damascus suburb.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government warplanes bombed a busy market on Friday, killing at least 40 civilians and injuring 140 others in Douma, a Damascus suburb that has been under government attack for weeks now.

A local activist, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Douma was under heavy attack starting Friday morning.

"Every 10 minutes we are under attack. Rocket attacks and air strikes. They bombed a local market, at least 45 people have been killed so far and we expect a rising death toll," he said.

"Every corner of Douma is being bombed."

Source: Agencies


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