Friday 30 October 2015

Comment and win, we'er rewarding readers

Unknown | Friday, October 30, 2015 |
Bloom Gist comment and win
As part of our plan to give back to our readers, we’ve decided to reward our loyal and special readers with some goodies including mobile phones, cash and nice time out to some beautiful places in Lagos with some bloom Gist staff. To qualify in getting this give-away, you have to be the highest commenter on our website.

How it works

You will need to be commenting on our stories as often as you can to enable you be at the top of the list because the price is going to be given to the person who comments most on our stories for each month. Continuing commenting on Bloom Gist stories will keep you on the top of the list and at the end of each month, we’ll announce our Winner and your rewards will be sent to you to any location of your choice and you’ll be invited for a nice time out with Music Star, Dil.

At the time out, Bloom Gist will take care of your transportations, your welfare and any other thing that comes with the hang out will be given to you.

Some of the gifts to give away include Itel Smart Phones, Opsson D1 Smart Phone, T-Shirts, Caps and so many more.

So, we’ll encourage you to start commenting now because the more you comment, the more your chances of winning increases.



The opinions expressed by the Bloom Gist users and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Bloom Gist or any employee thereof. Bloom Gist is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the Users.
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