Thursday 29 October 2015

Muharram respect: Australian minister blasts school

Unknown | Thursday, October 29, 2015 | |
Australia's federal treasurer has blasted a primary school that thrives on its multicultural approach to education for allowing some students to be excused from singing the national anthem during the Muslim month of mourning.

Scott Morrison referred to the decision by Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School -- motto "Many Cultures, One Community" -- as "just pathetic" in an interview with Australian radio channel 3AW early Wednesday.

"I just shook my head and went that is just doing nobody any favours. Some do-gooder has tried to make a point and they have ended up damaging the whole show. So they get the 'Muppet of the Year' award from me for that," he said, using a derogatory term suggesting stupidity.

Source: Agencies


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