Sunday 9 February 2014

5 Worst Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Her

Unknown | Sunday, February 09, 2014 |

article-201323612191944359000Valentine’s Day is a lovely occasion. It is a time to bond with your lover, reignite your passion and share some very intimate and love filled moments. However, there is a catch. Although love is definitely in the air, there are certain things that might douse the romance. A wrong gift can be an anti-climax for your romantic expectations. Here are some gifts that can certainly be the mood-spoilers on this Valentine. READ MORE AFTER THE BREAK...

1. Cheap jewellery
Girls love jewellery passionately, but they hate cheap jewellery with an equal passion. Your girl will never want to display cheap stuff on her. Cheap jewellery could also symbolise that you don’t value her much.
2. Dinner in a crowded fast food joint
If budget is a problem, skip dinner. Squeezing uneasily into a crowded fast food joint where you need to scream to make yourself heard is a complete put off. How do you expect to share sweet endearments in such an environment?
3. CDs with your favourite songs
Valentine’s Day is about the both of you, as a couple. A CD with your favourite songs leaves your valentine out, which can be a disaster.
4. A shopping gift certificate
Your intentions might be good, but she might take it to mean, “I don’t have time to shop for a gift. Here is a gift certificate. Go find your own thing.” Total put off!
5. Epilators, blow dryers, hair irons
Unless you want to send out a signal that your girlfriend needs to pay more attention on grooming and offend her endlessly, avoid such gifts.


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