Thursday 8 May 2014

Health: Do you want a smooth Skin? then here are 10 natural ways for a smooth and fresh skin

Unknown | Thursday, May 08, 2014 |
    Don’t we all want our skins to be smooth? I guess the answer is YES. If you want your skin to be smooth and beautiful the natural way then this is a must read for you. There are so many products on the market today that promise you a smooth and beautiful skin. While some of them do the job others do not. The worst part is that some of these so called skin-smoothing products have very harsh compounds that can end up leaving yours skin worse than it was prior to using them. In this article we are going to take a look at some great natural ways to make your skin smooth. These methods can be done from the comfort of your home with everyday ingredients that you can find in yourkitchen. The best part about these methods is that they get the job done and do not cost you any significant amount of money as compared to some products on the market.

    If you are ready for a smooth and beautiful skin the natural way then read on...
Simple and natural ways to achieve smooth skin
  1. Make your skin beautiful with water. Ordinary water is what you need to achieve a smooth skin. It is one of the best and simplest natural ways to achieve a beautiful skin. All you have to do is drink in lots and lots of water. You should target the traditional eight to ten glasses of water a day. Water is extremely good for the skin. The more water that you drink, the smoother and more beautiful your skin is going to become. Water works wonders for the body by flushing out all toxins and boosting the immune system. You can support the drinking of plenty water with bathing at least twice a day for the best of results.
  2. Use some lemon juice to achieve your goal of a smoother and finer skin. According to dermatologists, lemon juice is a very good substance for keeping the skin smooth and beautiful because it is rich in enzymes that arepotent in cleansing the skin. These enzymes work by getting rid of dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and leaving behind a smoother, glowing and softer skin. In order to use lemon juice on your skin, you can get some fresh lemons and squeeze out the juice from them into a bowl. You should then get a clean cotton swab and dip it into the lemon juice and apply it on the body parts that you want to smoothen and make beautiful. After applying the juice on your skin, you should leave it on your body for about ten to fifteen minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. You can do this once or twice a day. And as time goes on you will notice the texture of your skin changing and becoming smoother. You will be amazed by the results.
  3. Get some fenugreek if you want a finer skin. Fenugreek is a herb that contains a great deal of health properties. Fenugreek has been used for ages for so many purposes such as curing illnesses, stimulating milk production in nursing mothers, and so many others. Today we are going to see how this powerful herb can also be used in enhancing the beauty of the skin. The first thing you have to do is get some fenugreek leaves and boil them with about two teaspoons of fresh milk. When it is boiled, ground the leaves in order to make a paste. The paste that you have just made from the fenugreek leaves should be used as a face mask. It works wonders for the skin, and can even get rid of acne and prevent wrinkles from forming. When you take off the face mask you should rinse your face with lukewarm water. You will be impressed by the results.
  4. Use tomatoes to make your skin smoother. Tomatoes are considered one of nature’s finest skin toners. The more tomatoes that you use on your skin, the softer, shinier and smoother your skin is going to get. You can achieve the full benefits of tomatoes by getting some fresh tomatoes and grinding them. Then take the ground tomatoes and apply on your face and body parts that you want to make smoother. Leave the tomato paste on your body for five minutes before washing it off. This should be done on a daily basis. The more you do this, the smoother your skin is going to get because the tomato is a very effective natural skin toner. It works very well in protecting and beautifying the skin and it is also one of the best natural ways to get rid of pimples.
  5. Honey will make your skin beautiful. If you are looking to get a beautiful skin then don’t forget your honey. Honey has been traditionally used for so many years to smoothen people’s skins. It is one of the best natural ingredients that makes the skin smooth and beautiful. All you need to do is get some raw honey which you must apply on your face and body parts you want to make beautiful and smooth. Before applying the honey on your face, you should wash your face very well so that you get rid of oil and dirt. Apply the honey on the face and wait for about ten minutes before washing it off with cold water. If you do this on a daily basis, you will notice how smooth and beautiful your skin will start looking. It is a very effective natural ingredient for a beautiful skin. Honey will make your skin glow. It will soften and smoothen your skin. Honey can also effectively prevent wrinkles from developing on your face.  Honey can also be used with other ingredients such as cinnamon powder to achieve good-looking skin.
  6. Turmeric is good for the skin. This is another powerful herb that can be used to make the skin smoother and good looking. Turmeric is rich in various antiseptic properties, which makes the herb a very good ingredient in the treatment of so many skin conditions. Turmeric can be mixed in its powdered form with fresh milk to make a paste which can then be applied on the skin on a daily basis. The result will be something that will impress you. The turmeric will help in getting rid of blemishes on the skin and giving you a beautiful and glowing skin. Some studies have also said that turmeric powder mixed with fresh pineapple juice can get rid of dark circles under your eyes if applied there on a daily basis. Turmeric is indeed a very good natural ingredient for the skin.
  7. Get some ice cubes to beautify your face. Another very simple method to make your skin beautiful is by the use of ice cubes. What you need to do is get some ice cubes and wrap them in clean cloth or handkerchief. Now use the wrapped ice cubes gently on your face for about a minute, pause for some seconds then continue again. In this manner you can continue for about five to ten minutes before you stop. What this simple technique will do for you is it will cleanse your skin pores and increase blood circulation. When blood circulates very well then the skin also benefits a great deal.
  8. Use cucumber for a more beautiful skin. Cucumber juice is a very potent astringent. Cucumber can give the skin the proper hydration and nourishment that it needs because it is extremely rich in nutrients and has some very powerful hydrating properties. You can simply apply cucumber juice on your face and body parts that you want to make beautiful. Leave the cucumber juice on for about 15 minutes before gently washing it off. You can also make a face mask with ground cucumber, oats and fresh milk. Leave this face mask on for fifteen to twenty minutes before you wash it off with warm water. Studies have shown that if this is done on a daily basis then your skin can be free from blemishes, blackheads, pimples and even wrinkles. It is also very good for people with dry skin as it will help in hydrating the skin.
  9. Tea Tree Oil is a must have if you want a smooth and beautiful skin. Tea tree oil is said to be one of the effective ingredients that can get easily get rid of scars and stretch marks on the skin. It is a very powerful oil for the health and beauty of the skin. You can rub it on your face and body every night before going to bed, and as time goes on you are going to see yourself developing a smooth and very beautiful skin that is free from scars and stretch marks. The only disadvantage with the tea tree oil is the fact that some people can be allergic to it. So it is advisable to test it first before going ahead to apply it on your face and body. And how do you test it? You just apply a little on the inner part of your wrist and wait for some time to see if you are going to have any allergic reaction to it. If after an hour or more, you experience no allergic reaction then you can safely go ahead and use it on your face and body.
  10. Papaya can make your skin beautiful. Papaya is also another fantastic natural ingredient that can make your skin smoother and very good-looking. Papaya contains a very potent enzyme called papain which studies have shown to be loaded with antibacterial properties. This is what makes papaya to be a very good ingredient in the protection of the skin. When applied on the skin, papaya can also make the skin very smooth and beautiful because it can easily get rid of dead skin cells which will make way for softer and smoother skin. To achieve this great benefit of the papaya fruit, all you have to do is get some ripe papayas and mash them. The mashed papaya should now be used as a facial mask. The mask should remain on your face for about fifteen minutes before washing it off. You should do this on a daily basis, and I tell you that the results of this simple process will be something that will amaze you.
If you are looking for how to get a smooth and beautiful skin the natural way then you should try the methods above and I believe you are going to get some positive results. Remember that patience also plays an important role. You will need some patience in order to see the positive effects of the methods above.


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