Monday 7 July 2014

Ebola Virus Spreads to Ghana?

Unknown | Monday, July 07, 2014 |

A few days ago, the World Health Organization (WHO), reported that out of the 759 cases of the Ebola Virus reported in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, from March to June, over 400 people had died.

African ministers and health experts were said to be meeting in Ghana last week to discuss strategies on how to stop the virus from spreading.

And now, it is being reported that a male U.S citizen is currently being tested for the virus in Ghana, according to BBC.

The man, who is said to have visited Sierra Leone and Guinea recently, has been quarantined in Nyaho Clinic, a private facility in the capital, Accra.

Ghana’s health ministry is urging citizens to stay calm, as “precautionary measures” have been put in place.


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