Saturday 5 July 2014

FIFA fires at NFF: You Have Until Tuesday To Restate Maigari: Blatter Warns

Unknown | Saturday, July 05, 2014 |

Nigerian football is presently in a state of hidden 'shame'

FIFA is not just talking about it, it has moved towards it.

In a letter from the Federation of International Football Associations to the Minister of Sports, Nigeria risks ban from international football if Aminu Maigari and his board members are not reinstated latest next week Tuesday.

The letter dated July 4 and signed Jerome Valcke, FIFA says:"The NFF has been served with court processes and that consequently an order restraining the President of the NFF, his Executive Committee members and the NFF Congress from running the affairs of Nigerian football has been granted by a High Court of the Federal Republic of Nigeria."

FIFA abhors external interference in football and it says the sacking is "preventing the NFF from managing its affairs independently."

Valcke stated categorically: "We ask that you respectfully inform the relevant authorities that if the aforementioned NFF officials are not fully reinstated by Tuesday 8 July 2014, we will have no choice but to refer the case to the appropriate FIFA organs for sanctions, including the suspension of the NFF."

This is not the first time Nigeria will be faced with a FIFA ban but at all the times before, they have managed to get through without the hammer falling on them.

Can they avoid this one? Days or hours will tell!


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