Friday 4 July 2014

Palmgrove Estate Saga: Security man battered after soldier is killed by BRT bus

Unknown | Friday, July 04, 2014 |
it has been confirmed that a BRT bus killed a soldier at Palmgrove bus stop in Palmgrove, Lagos this morning, which caused the soldier rampage.

The BRT driver who hit the soldier ran into Palmgrove estate in order to avoid the wrath of other soldiers present. Upon noticing that the driver ran away, the Army men ran into Palmgrove estate and when they couldn't find the driver, seized one of the Estate's security men. (pictured above)

According to eye-witnesses, the soldiers beat the man mercilessly and took him away.

He was released hours later badly beaten and traumatized. He had nothing to do with the incident but paid for it. Sad!


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