Saturday 5 July 2014

Taking Stock - Toyosi Phillips

Unknown | Saturday, July 05, 2014 |
I had one of my moments yesterday where I tuned out. I shut the world out – didn’t want to advise anyone, didn’t want to be advised by anyone. I just wanted to be. I wanted to connect with myself, love myself, take stock.

I first heard about taking stock on a Saturday morning at a women’s meeting in Lagos and it made a lot of sense to me- Where am I now? Where was I the last time I took stock and where do I want to be the next time?
This is not just about I was an entry-level staff in my company last year; I got promoted this year so I’m in a better place. No. It’s much deeper than that. Continue after the cut...

I’m talking- how is my state of mind now compared to the last time I checked? Do I feel a deeper connection with God now than last month? Is that pain in my left breast still there? How much savings do I have now? Has my relationship with my mum improved? Where exactly am I now?

THAT is stocktaking. And like you would a pharmacy or a beauty supply store if you ran one, ask yourself these questions:

• What do I need to restock?
• What do I need to stop selling?

We’ve all at one point sold/marketed something. Your cooking skills for a ring. Your loyalty for a promotion. Your love for attention. We’ve all traded something.

I’ve been through the fire with family and with friends and with God. All 3 are painful but in my opinion that last one, that fire with God, is the most painful. That’s the one that forces your hands open when you’re holding on too tight to nonsense. Taking regular stock of your life makes you better prepared for this pain.

Through it you:

1) Realize that certain things have to go for you to have peace.

2) Increase in knowledge of your self worth by reminding yourself of who you are, what you deserve, where you are and where you should be and plan corrective measures.

3) Change your mindset about things/issues and grow in wisdom. Let me add that it’s OK to change your mind about anything! You are not a robot. It’s fine to rethink things and say, “I’ve changed my mind. I now think…”

Genuinely and prayerfully taking stock of your life is transformative.

PLEASE don’t have a fight with your boyfriend/husband and immediately “take stock” o and don’t go and be “taking stock” when your boss is insulting you and quit your job.

“Wisdom is the principal thing”.

Culled from Bella Naija


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