Saturday 6 September 2014

Angry Neighbor Stabs Roommate To Death For Making Noise During Sex

Unknown | Saturday, September 06, 2014 |
An angery man from Texas, San Antonio, been arrested for stabbing his room mate to death claiming that he was making noise while having sex.
42-year-old Antonio Flores Narcisso attacked the victim in their shared home when the latter was celebrating his birthday with a threesome, Huffington Post reports.

While the sex was ongoing, Narcisso kicked down his roommate's door to complain about the sexual noises coming out of the room.Angry Neighbor Stabs Roommate To Death For Making Noise During Sex

The roommate ordered the suspect to leave the room but instead the latter allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the alleged victim numerous times in the head, back and hands.

Narcisso was reportedly identified by the girls and has now been charged for the crime.

I hope they give him what he deserves  for taking another mans life. I'm out.


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