Friday 27 March 2015


ILE KATHERINE | Friday, March 27, 2015 |

That part of the tunnel where all our sorrows get dropped behind and greatness with all the wonderful things of the earth begin to find its place in our lives is soon approaching, it's not about who you vote for neither is it about the ruling party but it is about our Great Country "Nigeria".

Let us not vote based on personal benefits nor political interests, rather let us all join hands together and vote for our country "Nigeria". Let us join hands together and vote for "Peace" as it doesn't matter what your personal nor political interests are but what matters is how we make those interests count.

LET US VOTE ABOUT IT AND NOT FIGHT ABOUT IT!!! For the outcome of tomorrow will determine what our future will be, let us all vote wisely and Peacefully for our country "NIGERIA" and let the light of peace and unity shine through us in all we do.

Note: Those of you who will sit back in your houses without going to cast your votes have no right to judge the presidential candidates, parties nor the electoral commission so step out in peace and with goodness in your hearts to cast your votes wisely and Peacefully and God bless us all as we do this.


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