Saturday 6 September 2014

BG Weekend Recipe: Dating My Next Door Girl

Unknown | Saturday, September 06, 2014 |
I Just relocated to this new neighborhood lately last year, I'm a working class, a real business man so I spend most of my week days in the office which make it hard for me to get familiar with people in my new base and I even go out on Saturdays for private business negotiations or completions and that's how I spent the first 9 months of this year and now this is the last 3 months of the year in my new base.

Now I've made up my mind to make out time, a good time to stay at home and familiarize myself with home stuffs, I've not gotten the opportunity to hang out with my neighbors and at least know them cos I'm a very busy worker.

Its the last Saturday of the month, its sanitation Saturday as State Government marked out that day as environmental sanitation day and here I am, finally at home, less busy and thinking how to go about knowing my new neighbors and the thing is that I'm a shy guy, I don't know how to aproach people I just saw, so, I made up my mind to just go out and watch my new neighbors do the sanitation.

After spending sometimes outside, I was actually going to call it a day when I heard a voice singing, the voice was like a sound from my dreams, you know those voice in your dreams that sounds good to listen to no matter who's song or who is singing it, the voice was with power that I could hardly take my mind off it, its like having another set of Vienna Boys Choir in Lagos but this time the voice is just a single voice, I couldn't stand it, it was like a magnetic voice that automatically draws your attention, I actually wanted to know who's voice it is but I'm the new guy in the building, who don't know anybody, the voice was a females voice but it sounds like a females alto and a male soprano voice combined together, so the voice continues echoing out and as I move towards the direction where its coming from.

On my mission to trace where and who's voice it is, I noticed that its coming from the direction where my room is, I continued on my mission and finally I realized that the charming sweet melody was coming from My Next Door Neighbor's Room,

I went out after the sanitation for private business negotiations as usual but the thing is that I wouldn't take my mind from the sweet voice that got me shaking in the morning, after my business outing, I returned to my base, after doing the night necessities as a single guy like taking my shower, prepare some packets of Indomie to eat because as you all know, its the fastest and easy food unmarried men normally cook, and after that I decided to go outside and make news friends,

There's a young neighbors son that I've been seeing right from day one in my new neighborhood, he always come around to great me whenever I return from work, now on seeing this guy I said to my self, 'Oh, My Good Tool For Start up' I called the guy over, buy him 'Capreson' and the enquirers began.

I asked him to tell me the names of everybody he knows that lives close to my room which he did and as God may want it, he told me the name of the girl with the 'Angelic Voice' that leaves next to my door as 'Toke' and he also tell me more about her.

Toke is a young and pretty girl, she's actually living alone with her mum and her little brother, she's a Yoruba girl and she's decent and and good looking, she's the kind of girl that my mum would call 'Ezigbo Nwa' (good girl) and from that day I noticed her, I Fell in Love with her and I've been watching her.

Since I noticed this girl, I have started coming home on time just to see her, I've not approached her yet, I'm not the type of guy that rush girls so I'm taking my time to study her and so it goes, but there's something that I noticed about Toke, She's always seen around boys, publicly, chatting and laughing, I know there're girls that likes hanging out with guys not that there's something tick about it but just that they love it that way but me, as a guy, I'm a jealous guy, I'm the type of guy that would say let's share everything buy keep my girl friend out of the label because I believed that boys can't be just a friends with a girl, I know what we are capable of so I like keeping what is mine to myself as long as relationship matters are involved.

Its been over a month that I've been watching this girl, I've been thinking of how to go about it, I have a crush on her, I've fallen for this girl, I keep on thinking about her that I even see her in my dreams, she's not aware of it though, she doesn't seem to be interested to know if somebody has been watching her, I've been planning for many ways to go tell my 'Next Door Girl' that I'm in love with her but all my plans always be superseded by a tiny voice from inside of me that will always whisper to me 'She's Your Next Door Girl, Now I'm so in love with this girl.

I don't know how to say it, I don't even know where to start, how to go tell her that 'I'm in love with you, I was thinking she might just turn me down, I was thinking she might say the word that I'm afraid of 'I have a boyfriend', they've been telling me that dating a girl staying in the same street with you is improper and in this case the story is worst, not a girl from my street, not even a girl from my yard, but a girl next door to me, fetching water from the same wale with me, always see when I'm about to take my bate, when I going to the toilet, when I'm cooking, what I'm cooking, when I'm eating, when somebody visits, who visit, when the visitor lives, when I'm out, when I'm coming back and more.

I think I have a plan, another big plan and pray this time, if this plan works out, I don't see any reason why I'd not tell her my intentions, any reason why I wouldn't work up to her and say the word 'Will you be my date?'

Now here is the question, would you date a girl in the 'Next Door' to you, how'd you go about it, how'd you approach her, lets now what you think.

Till next week when I will tell you what happened over the weekend on my mission to date 'My Next Door Neighbor', Keep in touch with us, mean while let's see how it plays out but don't forget to drop your comment in the comment box below and share your thoughts on this, what would you do if you where me, would you just go ahead and approach her?, what'd be your suggestions on this, Let's discuss.


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