Monday 8 September 2014

Monday Bloom: Are We Really Tired Of Staying In The Church or We are Just Bored?

Unknown | Monday, September 08, 2014 |
This days, people seem to love staying for a short while in the church, most people actually like early morning service, some because they have other places to go, some because they love spending time at home on Sundays and some other because long stay in the church make them bored and restless and today our question is? Are we really tired of staying in the church or we are just bored with the none biblical activities been practiced in the church in the name of Sunday service? Continue...

Yesterday, my pastor caught somebody living the church while the service is still on and immediately he changed the topic to 'Don't be bored of being in the presence of God, your creator' then I looked around and saw that not just that some people are living, some have fallen asleep.

Sunday service is suppose to be a period when we praise and worship God, a moment that we will share the word of God together, so, what are we seeing these days, a Sunday service that we have 4 hours of service, they will use 1 hour to talk about offering and sawing of seed, 30 minutes in giving 1st offering, 15 minutes for brothers offering, 15 extra for sisters offering, another 30 minutes for welfare offering, another 30 minutes for donations, 5 minutes to pray, another 5 minutes to pray for people who have given offering and made donations, another 5 minutes to encourage those who did not give or donate to do so, then 5 minutes to allow them to give and donate, extra 5 minutes to share the reasons why its necessary for us to give offering, pay tithes and make donations and finally only 5 minutes is left to preach the word of God which is why we are here and they expect members to stay or for new members to continue with them next Sunday service of giving and donating.
Yes I know for sure that some people will be against this article because they think its wrong writing but they probably know it contains the truth and we can just keep quit and watch the churches turn into something else.

The bible said that on the seventh day which is Sunday, God rested, another portion of the bible said that we should remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy, so, the bible didn't say that God spent all day seventh day preaching on the necessities of giving and donating, giving and donating is suppose to be a willing full act not by persuation or by misleading the giver.

I love being in the presence of God, I mean in the presence of the Holy spirit that dwells in the midst of the children of God not in the presence of ushers and church protocols carrying baskets and offering bags and donation envelopes about every now and then because I know the Holy spirit departs once the minds of the church is focused on worldly things which the Holy ghost is not part of.

These days, we are getting too many pastors, turning every room and flat into a donation and fund raising centers in the name of church and in the name of expanding the church and preaching the Gospel, they claim to be called by God, yes, we not doubting you, after all we were not there when He call you, so, we can't doubt you, but any church that focuses its attention any time there's is a gathering in the church are not doing the will of God instead the will of man and the world, oh yes, we need the money, we need the money to sponsor the gospel but is it the top priority? What happens when the holy ghost departs from the church?, the church will obviously become empty because the church is now canaly minded and focuses in the things of the world rather than the things that glorifies Jesus who in His name we gathered and when the holy ghost departs, the church become boring and they expect the congregation to be excited, how can we be, the topic has changed and the focus now is on money and material things.

We are not tired of staying in the presence of God because the presence of God, There's fullness of joy, not when the church has been turned to a banking hall where transactions are been made, a place where you always expecting the next big thing to come up for donation, even the pastors are living a better live more than the members and yet they will tell you, so seed in the house God and expect a miracle, yes of course we know that when we sow, miracle happens but not when you sow because you are been forced to sow or the money doesn't come out from your mind which we all know that God doesn't accept.

Let's change out mindset, let's they to understand the reasons why some people are bored in the church, lest they and make the church a place to be comfortable not a place where you expect people to come along where their Credit and ATM cards, That'll be a better move in moving the gospel and winning souls for Christ and His kingdom.


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