Monday 15 September 2014

Opps, How Jay Z Busted On Beyonce's Surprise Pregnant Announcement

Unknown | Monday, September 15, 2014 |
Beyonce was caught holding her belly just like an expectant mother should in Barcelona, Spain on September 9 before Jay Z made his huge baby news announcement in a concert Friday night.

Fans of the couple went nuts when the hip hop giant allegedly revealed that his super star wife was pregnant gain. The rapper changed the lyrics to his song, "Beach Is Better" to possibly announce the pregnancy news. Continue...
The original lyrics goes:

"Can't take this money with you

Burn thius sh*t up like am richer

Ni**as asking

If the oven's on"

For the concert, Jay altered the last line to read, "coz she's pregnant with another one", according to Media Takeout.

After their final show closed at Stage de France in Paris, the couple couldn’t help but show their love for the city and to each other. "We love Paris. It’s special to us because we got engaged here and this is where baby Blue was conceived," Jay Z said, according to Associated Press.

Note that Kanye West also used a concert to announce Kim Kardashian's pregnancy in January 2014.

So fans: Do you think Bey is pregnant again?

Be rest assured we'll keep y'all undated with this story.


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