Thursday 11 September 2014

Revealed: 3 Million Voters For Jonathan Already?

Unknown | Thursday, September 11, 2014 |
The coordinator of the Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) Chief Uzor Okafor,  has promised to mobilise about three million voters in Anambra State as part of efforts to actualise President Goodluck Jonathan’s second term bid. 

The coordinator said the proposed rally would be a follow -up to the South East zonal rally held four days ago, Vanguard reports on Wednesday.
Okafor, who is the Surveyor General of Namibia, said the group would storm Anambra Central senatorial zone after the various committees that would make the rally a success have been put in place. He said even though a specific date is yet to be fixed for the rally, most eligible voters in the state have already promised to support President Jonathan for a second term in office.
According to him, the votes assured that Jonathan would gain more votes in the state compared to what was obtained in 2011 presidential election.

Okafor stated that President Jonathan’s administration has brought a lot of development in the country and therefore deserves another term to continue and complete the good works.

He said Jonathan’s administration has improved Nigeria’s economy, road and railway networks, agriculture, infrastructure, education and other sectors. He said the president has also shown maturity in handling the affairs of the country, adding that he remained focus even in the face of distractions, which eventually put him first before other aspirants.

He expressed optimism that in the interest of equity, justice and strict adherence to the rule of law, President Jonathan is expected to declare in 2015 although he is yet to do so. He said the President has the constitutional right to contest for a re-run, especially as Nigerians massively support him.

Speaking also, Michael Joe Onwudinjo, TAN coordinator in Anambra Central senatorial zone remarked that the group was elated with the large number of eligible voters registering to become members of TAN. He revealed that more people are excited to join TAN, adding that the sensitisation programme would continue until election is held.

It would be recalled that Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN), had recently organised series of rallies for the president in the South-west, South-east and South-south.


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