Friday 26 December 2014

Kim Kardeshian; I'm Upset, Because I Can't Get Pregnant; And Kanye Knows About It

Unknown | Friday, December 26, 2014 |
She's tryinh very hard but it seems she need to fight harder, there may be a reason the pregnancy is not showing up

Kim Kardeshian has been very real and clear to everybody that's close to her including her friends and families, the seconds power couple (Kim and Kanye) have been trying very hard to have another baby for the last 9 months but nothing has worked.

A source very close to her told that Kim has been to fertility doctors, but they've cleared it out to her that having another baby is gonna be a long shot.

She had 2 specialist who already told her that she can't conceive but it Turned out North West was a miracle baby.

Kim and Kanye assumed the second baby would be easier since it worked once, but the doctors are telling her that's not the case.

We're told Kim is trying to reduce her stress and cut down on traveling according to doctor's advice.

The photo above was taken Tuesday in Bev Hills after she and Hubby Kanye visited her doctor.


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