Tuesday 20 January 2015

Jay Z & Beyonce! Power Couples Done With L.A Till Further Notice

Unknown | Tuesday, January 20, 2015 |
Jay Z and Beyonce have scratched plans to get a wildly expensive pad in L.A. ... after losing out to an incredibly rich nerd in a ferocious bidding war.

A close source told Bloom Gist that Jay and Bey put an offer on a sick Beverly Hills mansion 

At the time we were told they were only several million off from sealing the deal, but former Minecraft mastermind Markus Persson swooped in and sealed the deal for $70M.

Mr. and Mrs. Z have told close friends in L.A. they really wanted that house and it's soured them on looking further. They looked before eyeing the property and found nothing they really liked.


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