Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Chris Brown: CB Denied Entrance Into Canada Just Few Hours Before A Show

Unknown | Wednesday, February 25, 2015 |
Just hours before a scheduled concert, Singer Chris Brown was turned away at the Canadian border and he handled the frustrating news with dignity and professionalism. oh, No, really.

Chris tweeted, "The good people of the Canadian government wouldn't allow me entry. I'll be back this summer and will hopefully see all my Canadian fans!"

Chris who was scheduled to play in Montreal Tuesday night and Toronto Wednesday night was so much unhappy when he was denied of it... and according to reports, both shows were sold out.

According to source, was told that the Canadian law dictates that a person could be "criminally inadmissible" if they have been convicted of a crime involving assault...and guess what...Chris is/was a convict


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