Monday 20 January 2014

The Nun Who Gave Birth And Claimed She didn`t Know She Was Pregnant, May Be Revealing The Name Of The Baby Father Soon!

Unknown | Monday, January 20, 2014 |

Circled is the Salvadorean  Roxana Rodriguez

Circled is the Salvadorean Roxana Rodriguez
Dear RW readers, things are getting really interesting with the Nun/baby gist we brought you sometime last week about a Nun in an Italian convent who went to the hospital with what she thought were stomach pains and ended up giving birth.
The 31-year-old Roxana Rodriguez insisted she didn’t know she was pregnant. “It’s not possible, I’m a nun,” she allegedly told doctors in Rieta.
“It would be preferable that she now lead a secular life with her baby, away from religious institutions,” a spokesman for the local bishop said.
The latest development on this gist is that, her picture was published this weekend in the Italian daily newspaper, Corriere Della Sera. The new mum reportedly told her social worker saying;
“I am so happy. I feel more of a mother than a nun, I think that’s obvious. I decided to call him Francis in honour of our wonderful South American Pope. I do not have a feeling of guilt. I will be keeping him and bringing him up. He is a gift from God. I am little worried about all the publicity, not only in Italy but in El Salvador and all over the world.
Everyone is talking about this and I don’t think I will be able to return to my home country”.
Sister Roxana took her vows and became a nun in the order last September and has since written an apology letter to the Church and her Mother Superior.
Please take note of the next sentence—“She revealed that the father of her child is a man from her native El Salvador but has not named him”.
A priest close to the new mum told the Italian magazine: ‘It all happened last spring, around March or April time when she was back in El Salvador to get her passport renewed. She has not said who the father is but I understand he is an, shall we say, old flame of hers from when she was younger.
At some stage I expect she will tell the father that he has a son and they will be reunited but I don’t know when that will be”.
Her fellow nuns back at the “Little Disciples of Jesus” convent said they were “very surprised” about all this. And the convent’s mother superior, Sister Erminia, said, “It seems she was not able to resist temptation.”
Dear RW readers, seriously, what more can I say? I guess we now know it wasn`t something spiritual that came upon her. I can now breath some air of relieve…lol


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