Tuesday 21 April 2015


Unknown | Tuesday, April 21, 2015 |
We beleive that this might be something that you do often or daily but the question is, how well and right do you do it? you might be doing it, hopefully with pupose, but nothing ever changes, you wake up just the next morning and those spots and unwanted coulours are still right there on you face and you just feel like giving up, you just like, hush, what's the next step, but here's a tip and solution to it.
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You apply cleanser on wet skin.
This is OK if you’re using a foaming formula like this one from Bliss ($24), but creamy options like Dove’s gentle version ($16) should go on dry--this allows the oils in the product to better remove the oils in your skin and makeup.

You rely on cleansing wipes alone.
They’re easy and convenient, but many wipes contain skin-irritating preservatives. Use sparingly and always rinse with water

You use a washcloth.
Not only are they breeding grounds for bacteria (gross), the abrasive quality is too harsh for your skin. Wash with your fingertips, then pat dry with a clean towel.

About Author
Dorathy Chukwu is a Bloom Gist senor associate and a health expert, she studiod Microbiology at the University of Lagos And she base in Lagos Dorathy beleives in the power of originality, 
she beleives that the only way to be Unique is to be original.


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