Tuesday 23 June 2015

At least 20 people have been killed as Boko Haram insurgents raid a village in Bornu state

Unknown | Tuesday, June 23, 2015 |
masked Boko Haram militants
Boko Haram insurgents have attacked a village named Debiro, in Borno state, killing at least 20 people, after arriving in an amoured tropical jeeps, shooting sporadiacally and burning houses.

An eye withness who managed to escape the raid told The Bloom Gist “We started hearing gunshots one afternoon and people were running helter-skelter, there was confusion everywhere, some people were shot dead and many had their throats slit. We were helpless as our foodstuffs were carted away by the rampaging militants who later burnt down most of the houses in our village.
Debiro is located at about 246 kilometers south of Maiduguri, the Borno capital.
Debiro is located at about 246 kilometers south of Maiduguri, the Borno capital.
“I can’t say tell you the correct number of people killed, but at least 20 people including women had their throats slit”

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A resident of Kworjafa village close to Debiro, Luka Yakubu, confirmed the report via phone after some members of the attacked village fled to Kworjafa. He also confirmed that many villagers were killed though he couldn’t quite specify the number.


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