Monday 8 June 2015


Unknown | Monday, June 08, 2015 |

By Mikie Ikenwa

I was on my way to the office this morning, 
when i saw this hen crossing the road with her baby (chick). I noticed the way they were playing and I really love watching them, 
Then there comes a vehicle, a truck that supplies pure water to a shop very close to ma office, the car was heading just straight to the hen and her baby, I tried to chase them away from the road but they kept on running around, I tried to shout on the driver to stop but he could hear me, and so he went straight to the hen's only baby, I watched the truck crush it, the front Tyre smashed just the side of it while the back Tyre rolled over the head, pressing it just flat on the ground, 
I nearly cried, I saw tears rolling down from my eyes, for real I've not seen such thing, I used to hear it about humans and such but I've not actually seen it happen.

The annoying part was that the hen didn't even weep over it, she went straight to the crushed baby and picked some seeds near it and left, walking as if nothing happened, I was very angry at her (the hen), her baby has just been killed by a passing vehicle and she couldn't even stop for a minute and mourn her.

Ok, the car that just killed an innocent hen didn't even stop and say he's sorry, I alerted him (the driver) that he has just crushed a hen to death, all he did was to look at the dead hen through his side mirror and kept on driving, it didn't even touch his heart to comisarate with the mother of the hen, what a life, he moved on, the mother of the dead hen moved on, then, and now, I';m the one feeling so sad about the incident.

Lesson: sometimes, when you feel like to die, don't just plan on killing yourself, think about the stress your relations are going to pass through trying to bury you, when you are planning on doing something, think about the impact of it in the lives of other people, you might think that it's not going to affect anybody, just like I watched the hen die, the hen and the driver felt like nothing happened, but I'm the onlooker, I watched everything that happened without even them noticing, that's how somebody maybe reading your posts, your tweets, watching/viewing your photos, watching your actions and paying attention without you noticing, and by doing so it affects them in one way or the other.

So, be positive, think about what you are about to do, how it will affect other people who might not even tell you that they are noticing what you are doing or even paying attention, be positive, stay positive, and act positive.

Twitter: @MikeIkenwa


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