Thursday 11 June 2015


Unknown | Thursday, June 11, 2015 |
Destiny Muoka and Husband
According to investigations, Destiny Muoka, when born, was like a mystery because she has nothing to identify if she was a male or female ... And she has been suffering from an emotional trauma, 

She was faced with the challenges, people calling her all sorts of names and mocking her because they don't understand what kind of human being that doesn't have anything to be identify with as male or female.
While testifying at the Lord's Chosen International Headwaters at Ijesha, she share the story of her house she survived the emotional problems, how she sought for medical explanations to no avail but at last God saw her through and now she is married and pregnant.

In this exclusive interview, she narrates her experience with The Bloom Gist and how she got married to a man who loves and believes in her

TBG:  When you were born, you didn't have male or female genitalia, but your father was putting on you male clothes, at what point did you get to know that you are a girl?

As I was growing up, I began to see blood coming out of me on a monthly basis so I presumed that it is my menstrual cycle and my breast began to enlarge and I was living with my father then, so I told him what I was seeing, he began to be sorrowful again, it was at this point I began to wear female clothes. As I started wearing female clothes, people in my street were asking this person (referring to me) is she a man or woman? Some Yoruba people used to call me 'Agbara Meji' others would call me “Agbara Ikoto”. Then I asked my father what should be done since am seeing my mensis now. He didn't know what to do, he was still thinking of what to do when he had accident and died. It was when my father died I came to Chosen but before I came to Chosen I had gone to several churches without any solution. I was going to the church at Ikotun when that Chosen brother was inviting me to Chosen.
When I came to Chosen, I explained a little of what I was passing through to my branch Pastor but did not really explain in details to him.  Then I joined evangelical team and became really committed. Then in my dream, I saw myself delivered of rat – very big rat like pussy – I also delivered ants, maggots and something like zinc, in fact many ugly things came out of my body. After that dream, this brother came to ask for my hand in marriage and so my branch Pastor wrote a letter and gave me to the marriage committee. When marriage committee invited us, at a stage the  committee told us if there is anything we need to tell each other, we should do so. I didn't know what to do, I had to go back to my branch Pastor and told him everything in details, after that he insisted that I must tell the brother (my husband). At last I had to tell the brother but the brother said no problem. I told the brother that it is like he did not understand what I mean. The brother said he understood, so he told me a testimony of a brother who was about 53 years but his manhood was very tiny like a boy of five years but when he came to Chosen, God of Chosen enlarged his manhood that God of Chosen will do it as He did that man's own. Then I told him if he is serious, let us start with test. We began to do tests, we did very many tests. After tests, professor Ajayi of LUTH still requested for another test. I met my branch Pastor and explained to him, he told me that God has done it but I insisted on doing that test, eventually I went and did the test.

TBG:. Cuts in 
What was in your mind when you were doing the tests?

Since the brother says he wants to marry me, I wanted to know if they will confirm medically that I have female genitalia. Since my breast is enlarging and I used to see blood monthly and flow of the blood lasts for five days. 
Moreover some Yoruba people use to call me “Okiri nje Obiri” (man that looks like woman) so I said let me see if medically it can be operated upon to open the place.

TBG: When you began to notice that blood was coming out of your body where was the blood coming out from, was it from that small opening in your private body?

It was from near the clitoris but my clitoris was like sealed up but it was from there the blood was coming out from.

TBG: How many years were you when you began to notice the blood coming out?

I was like 14 years old. So as I was going through all those tests, I was having a little hope but when my husband was itching to come and pay my dowry. I was afraid. So I was asking professor Ajayi, all these tests, is there any hope? He would not give me any positive answer and so I was confused.  
TBG: There was a time you said your father told you one day that you were a disgrace, was it this condition that made him say so?

Yes, it was because of the condition and my father did not take care of me as his daughter. My mother abandoned us because of the way people were making mockery of her because they would tell her they did not know what she gave birth to. Because of that she abandoned me and my father and re-married.
She was not asking of me. Even as I got married she does not call me, it was when she heard that the thing (my private body) has opened, she was excited and called me and as we were talking, the line cut off, since then she has not called me again. 
Prior to the opening of the place, professor Ajayi did not give me any positive answer, I had to come back and be very serious with Chosen because I have been hearing testimonies, moreover, my husband was really encouraging me. Whenever I was in a sorrowful mood, he would console me and say, have I not been hearing testimonies here? When he wanted us to do the traditional marriage, I was delaying it. When we wanted to hold the crusade “Only God Can Do This” it was in this period I travelled to the village to prepare for the traditional marriage. I was expected to travel with a sister who suppose to accompany me but because of fear that I was not sure of myself, I did not travel with the sister. When I eventually got to the village, there was no single welcome from my uncle. In fact I had to eat the bread I bought because nobody wanted to do anything with me. 
I was like an outcast in my village. Even when I get to the village and stay like three days, I must be the one to provide my own food. Nobody is ready to cater for me.
When I got to the village, after some days my uncle called my husband and said instead of looking for how to open the place, that is, my private body, he is talking of coming to do traditional marriage. My husband now told him to take me to hospital, he eventually took me to hospital but he did not spend one kobo, it was the little money my husband gave me I used to pay for hospital bill. In that hospital, white doctors examined me but nothing came out of it. When we came back from the hospital, my mind was telling me to ask my uncle's wife if she knows any person that does circumcision (male and female) she said yes, I implored her to take me to the place. After much hesitation, she took me to the place, that was on a fateful Thursday and it was the week of the programme – “Only God Can Do This” – so my husband was always calling me whenever our Pastor was praying. He was attending all the activities and whenever Pastor will be praying, he will call me on phone and I will cue to the prayer so when we got to the woman's place (circumcision woman) after examining me, she gave me three days interval to come back, that three days coincided with the last day of the crusade – “Only God Can Do This” – when the woman saw me, she was not too willing to touch me again but suddenly the husband went inside and came out with radio, tuned the radio and I heard amen.  And it was our Pastor's voice, the programme was being telecast live, when I heard the voice of our G.O, I began to pray and ask God to remember me, use his servant our Pastor to touch my case. I was in that prayer when the woman said I should follow her to the backyard, when we got there she told me to lie down and I obeyed and she used blade and slit the place open and removed the flesh, as she did that, there was no blood and when she put her hand, she said sister even a new born baby's hole is wider than my own. I didn't mind the size (diameter) of the hole, I was just happy that the place has opened. 
Quickly I called my husband and told him, brethren, that was all that was done, the widening and everything was done by God, there was no other drugs or injection given by the woman. After the traditional marriage, I came back to Lagos. I didn't know how God did the remaining things and now when you see the place, you will not believe that there was anything wrong before and as you can see me now that am pregnant. This shows that God has perfected everything. God is wonderful indeed.

TBG:  What was the reaction of that your uncle?

In fact, he did not believe and so because of that he was kind of exonerating himself so that nobody will hold him responsible if anything happens. But my husband was telling him that God will do it, he said he is telling my husband that the woman he wants to marry has no private body and he is saying God.
It was very much later, he came to me and asked what is God? I believe now that God has given him an answer.   

TBG: Do they know that you are pregnant now?

No, they don't know, their phone number is not going through 

TBG:  Since they don't feed you or take care of you, who collected dowry on your head?

It was that my uncle in the village, even my mother, they suppose to give her something (wrapper) but I don't know whether he has given her now.

TBG: Since you began to live with your husband, has your mother come to see you?

No! But when I took in, I called her and told her, she shouted and was surprised, she promised to come but she has not come. I believe that one day, she would come.

TBG: Sorry, that very day of your traditional marriage, how did the villagers see the whole thing?

They came just to see something they will gossip about. When my husband wanted to shake some of them, they said no, that, maybe he is a witch since he could muster the courage to marry somebody like me.
Brethren God is wonderful indeed. There is no God like Him.

After sister Destiny's testimony, the moderator asked the husband

TBG: Are you the husband of this beloveth Sister?

Ans: Yes Sir.

TBG: When she told you that there was nothing like a woman (female organ) in her body and you said we should carry on with the marriage, why did you say that, what was the conviction, what was the power?

Ans: Praise the Lord, my brothers and sisters, we thank God for what He has been doing in this ministry, when my wife told me that she has such problem, I told her that God can do it, that I have been hearing the testimonies of people in this ministry, that God will do it, I told her that I believe that God will do it and God has done it. Praise the Lord.


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